We have reached a large milestone from Google Search (Site Kit). I want to thank all of you for how much this site has grown ever since I started it in Febuary as just a wannabe hobby project. I cannot thank all of you enough for how much support I have recieved for this site since I started it. I could not have believed that the site would grow so much from an average of a big fat goose egg per day to about 5 in the about 231 days since I moved to WordPress. This is much longer than I have ever spent on a website, and also not screwed it up by having BAD BACKUP SYSTEMS. (AHEM. AHEM.) That goes to show how amazing of a admin I am.(Citation needed!)
I am amazed with how well the site is working as far as technical stuff like response time, MySQL response time, especially network bandwidth. I run this server at home on Hubby, a fairly mid-range server. Earlier this year, we found 16gb of ram from another PC we had so we slapped that in there, bringing our total RAM from a tiny 4gb to around 20gb of RAM. We also ran out of storage space, (I think that may have contributed to the aforementioned website corruption, so we slapped a 8tb drive, where the Minecraft server, MySQL server, almost all of the containers store their volumes. (I will mention that only 6tb of the drive has been partitioned, we are saving the rest for a unexpected senario, and it is an HDD, so there is a bit to be desired with speed, but I can't complain!)
Thank you so much for the support that I have recieved on this site, and I can't wait to hit the next milestone!
Website copyright © Damien Boisvert (AlphaGameDeveloper) 2024. Some rights reserved.
The site was last updated on: 02/25/2025