Hi! My name is Damien, but on the World Wide Web, I usually go by AlphaGameDeveloper. I run my website, alphagame.dev, and write blog posts in my free time on my blog, so you can go check that out! I have passion for programming, game development, web design, pretty much anything computer-related! In Taekwondo, I am a recommended-black belt.
I am a member of FRC team 2551, Penguin Empire Robotics (@PenguinEmpire on GitHub). I am part of the programming group.
Check out my programming stats out here!
My GPG Key can be found here!
For all you MBTI nerds (You’re in good company! I am also a MBTI nerd), I am a ENTP Personality Type, also called “The Debater”. My alignment is Chaotic Neutral. My enneagram type is 7w8. My instinctual variant is so/sx.
Website copyright © Damien Boisvert (AlphaGameDeveloper) 2024. Some rights reserved.
The site was last updated on: 02/25/2025